Tag: news

Harris v. Quinn: An Important Limitation On Forced Unionization

By Craig P. Alexander, Esq.

On Monday, June 30, 2014 the United State Supreme Court issued its ruling in the important case of Harris v. Quinn. While the case is limited in its ruling and scope, it is a critical one where the Court boxed in the ever expansionist reach of government employee unions.


Mrs. Pamela Harris is the mother of a severely disabled adult son who needs constant care due to his disabilities.  A federal Medicaid program funds many state run programs that provides financial assistance by paying caregivers for these individuals who reside at home rather than in a more expensive nursing care facility.  Most often it is a family member who is providing this care and who is being paid to do so under this program.  The State of Illinois has such a program and by law declared these caregivers to be state employees but without any right to benefits, not subject to any control as to their time, place or methods of provision of care services (and provides that the caregiver is solely responsible to and is an at will employee of the customer (the disabled person)) and the State is immune from any liability to the disabled customer for any home caregivers negligence or intentional conduct.

In 2003, first by executive order then legislation, the caregivers were forced to join a union, the SEIU, and pay dues, which the State withheld from their Medicaid payments.  Mrs. Harris and others challenged this forced unionization via this case.  She lost at the federal trial court and intermediate appeals court levels with those courts relying on a past U.S.S.C. court case Abood v. Detroit Bd. Of Ed. 431 U.S. 209 (1977).  The Supreme Court, noting the importance of the factual situation described above, ruled in Mrs. Harris favor.

Limited Ruling:

The Court (Justice Alito) performed a detailed analysis of the reasoning behind the Abood case, which upheld the unionization of full time government employees (there teachers) who were directly the employees of the Board of Education.   Justice Alito and the rest of the majority found that full time direct state employees are vastly different factually to what I would call akin to in-home independent contractors and limited the extent of the Abood ruling to full time direct government employees.  Further to extend the finding in Abood upholding required union membership (or agency fee paying) to this situation was a reach to far.  The Court stated:

“If we allowed Abood to be extended to those who are not full-fledged public employees, it would be hard to see just where to draw the line, and we therefore confine Abood’s reach to full-fledged state employees.”

Once the Court found the holding in Abood was not controlling in this situation, it then did an analysis of the facts of this situation under “generally applicable First Amendment standards.”  Relying on cases like Knox v. Service Employees 567 U.S. ___ , 132 S. Ct. 2277 (2012), the Court ruled that the justification of preventing “free riders” benefiting from union negotiations for its members applying to those not paying for union dues / expenses, did not apply in the context of the Harris facts (in-home workers as described above).

Once again, the Court noted several significant differences between the regular full time government employee and the in-home caregivers the Illinois statute attempted to force unionization upon.   For example, one justification cited by the unions is “labor peace” in not having conflicting unions vying for membership in the same union shop locations.  The Court noted that in-home caregivers are not in one place but always in the customers’ homes (which are often the caregivers homes’ as well).  Space does not permit me to go through all of the Court’s reasoning here.  The Court ordered that union dues and agency fees can no longer be withheld from a home caregivers’ Medicaid payments if they object.

Implications from this Ruling:

1. The Court effectively blocked forced government unionization of recipients of funds under government programs like Medicaid where the person receiving the payments is not a true “government” worker where the state agency controls the time, method and means of employment.   This is especially true where the legislature declares the “employee” is not entitled to any typical government employee benefits like pension rights.  The Court was very specific about the limited nature of the “employment” between the State of Illinois and the home caregiver.

2. The Harris decision is not banning forced union membership (or agency payments to a union by those who do not join the union) for traditional full time government workers such as public school teachers, CHP officers, firefighters, etc.   This is not a “right to work” decision for all government employees.

3. However, a close reading of the Harris majority’s analysis of the Abood decision notes the current majority’s concerns that the policy and practical implications of Abood’s approval of closed shop laws for government employees.  Thus the majority justices may be open to a challenge from a more traditional full time government employee.

4. Elections matter – the Harris decision and the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case (both critically important First Amendment cases decided on the same day) were five to four votes that included the swing vote of Justice Kennedy.  All of the four “liberal” justices voted in the dissent to uphold the forced unionization of the home caregivers in Harris (and to deny religious expression as argued in the Hobby Lobby case).  Thus the outcomes of the elections in the fall for control of the U.S. Senate and the White House in 2016 are critical as the make up of the Court could be the deciding factor on these important issues one way or another in the near future.

To read the Court’s opinion go to: (http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/13pdf/11-681_j426.pdf).

Craig P. Alexander, Esq. is an attorney at law whose office is in Dana Point, CA.  Craig has been a member of the California Bar Association since December 1987 and he practices law in the areas of insurance coverage, construction defects, general business litigation and civil litigation.  Craig is a former elected member of the Orange County Republican Central Committee and a form Vice President with the California Republican Assembly.  Craig and his wife Pam enjoy long walks on the beach especially if that beach is located in Hawaii!  He can be reached at cpalexander@cox.net

July 17th Event: Luncheon Featuring Mia Love

Join the Lincoln Club of Orange County Thursday, July 17, 2014 to hear from Congressional Candidate Mia Love of Utah.

Mia graduated from the University of Hartford with a degree in fine arts. She found faith. Then she found Jason. And then she found herself in Utah ready to give back. Mia served two terms on the city council of Saratoga Springs, one of Utah’s fastest growing cities. As city councilwoman and eventually Mayor, Mia led the city through a period of 1700% population growth in a decade. Under her leadership, the city was able to successfully navigate the drastic transition from agricultural fields to a booming residential community. For more information, click here!

This lunch is Thursday, July 17th, Noon at the Pacific Club (4100 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92660). The luncheon cost is $100. An exclusive reception with Mia Love is also available at 11 a.m. with a donation of $1,000. Don’t miss out; to RSVP today, register with Lincoln Club on-line here.

To register or to find out more information, please click on any of the relevant links. For email inquiries, please contact us at events@familyactionpac.org.

Public Employee Pay And Pensions – A Lot More There Than You Knew!

By Craig P. Alexander, Esq.

Many of you reading this were supporters of Proposition 32 in 2012 which, unfortunately, lost at the polls after the public employee unions outspent our side to defeat this reform of campaign finance regarding unions and corporations taking of their member’s dues for political purposes.   One of the chief architects of the Prop. 32 initiative and campaign is our longtime friend Mark Bucher, Esq.  Not one to withdraw from the fight for fiscal sanity in California or to just accept defeat, Mark joined with others to start the California Policy Center.  One of CPC’s missions is to inform citizens of California of the dangers of unfunded pension liabilities and the huge power of government employee unions over our state and local governments.

An important effort of the CPC (http://californiapolicycenter.org/) is the Transparent California project (http://transparentcalifornia.com/) .  Want to know the compensation of a particular government employee?  Want to know what the average salary and benefits of a particular city or county or special district employees are?  California law provides that the compensation of public employees is public record and members of the public (you and I) are entitled to obtain this information.  Mark and the CPC volunteers and staff have been making public records requests to many cities, counties and special districts under the California Public Records Act Request statutes and obtaining that information.  Because the law (the California Government code and court decisions on that) is so strongly in favor of disclosure, the CPC has been having great success in obtaining this information.  And since it is public record, you can find this information at the Transpartentcalifornia.com web site.

You will be unhappily surprised to find out how, in many, many instances, you are paying “your” public employees both now and when they retire –on the taxpayers’ dime – far more than you might imagine.  From the sampling I have taken, it would appear that there are hundreds of thousands of hard working public employees who will retire with solid but not extravagant retirement salaries and benefits.  However, there are and will be many thousands of retired public employees who will be in what I and others are calling the $100,000 plus club!  And that is only their salary – that does not include health care benefits.

Let me give you some examples:  The South Coast Water District (which covers most of Dana Point and part of San Clemente and South Laguna Beach) had 84 full time employees in 2012.  The average base salary for all 84 full time employees was $79,337.05 and the average pension costs were $13,424 per employee.  The average total compensation for those same 84 employees was $118,743.10.  However, at the SCWD there are 14 employees who are in the $100,000 plus club and their averages are quite different.  The average base salary for the lucky 14 was $132,692.07 and the average pension costs for these management employees was $22,755.00.  The total average compensation was $194,740!

Over at the Orange County Fire Authority the problem is on a much larger scale.  For 2012 there were approximately 1,518 full and part time employees.  Even counting all of the part time employees, the average base salary was $69,634.26.  The average employer paid pension cost was $40,447.12 per employee.  Average per employee health care cost:  $11,351.71.  The average per employee for total compensation was $159,676.99.

But jump to the $100K club at the OCFA and you find there were 285 persons at the OCFA with base salary take home pay (before taxes) of over $100,000.00.  The average base salary for members of the 2012 $100K club was $118,564.58.  The average employer share of these 285 employee’s pensions:  $65,860.82.  The average health care costs in 2012 were $15,282.39.  And the total compensation average for these lucky $100+ club member employees was $260,447.23.

All of these compensation figures do NOT include future payout requirements for retiree costs, especially retire health care costs which, logically, should only rise as retirees grow older needing more health care.

Of course the fundamental problem with all of these defined benefit plans is you and I, the taxpayers, are on the hook for each and every penny of the retirement pay and benefits.  Rather than the public employee having either a say in how their retirement funds are invested (like an IRA or a 401k) or any risk for their good or bad investment choices, the invoice for any shortfalls (including bad investment decisions by “retirement boards”) is on us the taxpayers.

It is hoped that as more of the voting public actually are able to and do look up the particular cost per employee and overall for each public entity, the voters will be alarmed and take corrective action before it is too late.  This has already begun to happen.  In the City of Sierra Madre the City Council placed on the ballot a measure for the citizens to pay an additional tax to support increases in salaries and benefits for firefighters.  Of course the council members tried to sell this additional tax as necessary to keep good firefighters on the force.  However, local citizens, using the Transparent California web page discovered that the city paid health care costs were in excess of many of the citizens’ annual salaries!  When this “uncomfortable” and “inconvenient” fact came to light, the measure was defeated at the polls by voters who said enough is enough!

I encourage you to go to the Transparent California web site (http://transparentcalifornia.com/) and check out the site and find out what some of your publically employed friends receive in salary and benefits.   You might find the answers eye opening and prompt you to have a serious conversation with your locally elected officials – because this problem exists at the local level not just in Sacramento.

Craig P. Alexander, Esq. is an attorney at law whose office is in Dana Point, CA.  Craig has been a member of the California Bar Association since December 1987 and he practices law in the areas of insurance coverage, construction defects, general business litigation and civil litigation.  Craig is a former elected member of the Orange County Republican Central Committee and a form Vice President with the California Republican Assembly.  Craig and his wife Pam enjoy long walks on the beach especially if that beach is located in Hawaii!  He can be reached at cpalexander@cox.net

June 19th Event: Luncheon with Danny Sells, Olive Crest Safe Families Program

You are cordially invited to attend a luncheon sponsored by the Family Impact Council on Thursday, June 19th, beginning at 12:00pm at The Pacific Club in Newport Beach to hear remarks from Danny Sells, Executive Director of Olive Crest’s Safe Families Program.

Safe Families is an innovative collaboration between area churches, volunteers and child care professionals designed to support at-risk children and parents in need. Safe Families for Children is an opportunity for volunteers to have a powerful impact in the lives of others while practicing biblical hospitality and extending the love of Christ to people in need — all from their own home!

Safe Families for Children is a movement of compassion designed to reduce child abuse and return the church to the forefront of caring for children, as it had been throughout history. Developed by most States in the 1940’s and ‘50’s, the child welfare system is relatively new. The concept of the government protecting children from their parents is roughly only one generation old. Prior to this, the church and other faith driven organizations were at the forefront of caring for vulnerable children.

Today, as resource limitations and legal constraints of the government restrict society’s ability to meet these needs, the church is reemerging as a champion for vulnerable families. Contributions are needed to keep the program going.

To register or to find out more information, please click on any of the relevant links. For email inquiries, please contact us at events@familyactionpac.org.

May 15th Event: Luncheon with Pastor Rob McCoy, Candidate CA State Assembly (AD44)

You are cordially invited to attend a luncheon on Thursday, May 15th, beginning at 12:00pm at The Pacific Club in Newport Beach to hear remarks from Pastor Rob McCoy, GOP Candidate for State Assembly in the 44th District (Ventura).

Rob McCoy was born August 10, 1964 in Coronado, California, where his father was stationed as a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy.

Rob learned early in life the values of personal integrity, community service and love of country not only from his father, but both his parents – including his mother who served as President of the Coronado Federated Republican Women.

Rob attended Tulane University before graduating from Fresno State University with a degree in history. At Fresno, he also received an NCAA athletic scholarship in both swimming and water polo, where he still holds some records.

After graduation, Rob worked in several corporate management positions the private sector, including Area Manager for Unilever and A.C. Nielsen.

In 1996, McCoy was ordained as an assistant pastor of Calvary Chapel of San Jose, before becoming Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Thousand Oaks in 2001. Under his leadership, Calvary Thousand Oaks grew from 50 to 700 congregants in only five years. He also currently serves as headmaster of award-winning Little Oaks School in Thousand Oaks.

For two years, Rob served as a Volunteer Chaplain for the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department, where he was often called upon to offer counsel to people in need or grieving, as well as law enforcement professionals in need of his support.

A lifelong Republican and committed conservative, Rob is running for the State Assembly because he knows that Sacramento is broken, government is too big and taxes are too high. He is seeking office not to hold any title, but to serve in the finest traditions of our citizen-leaders. He is determined to lead on the issues that matter most to his community and the values it holds.

Rob lives in Newbury Park. He and his wife of 24 years, Michelle, are the proud parents of five children.

To register or to find out more information, please click on any of the relevant links. For email inquiries, please contact us at events@familyactionpac.org.

May 8th Event: Luncheon With Congressional Candidate Kirk Jorgensen (CA-52)

You are cordially invited to attend a luncheon on Thursday, May 8th, beginning at 12:30pm at The Busch Group in Irvine to hear remarks from Congressional candidate Kirk Jorgensen (CA-52).

To register or to find out more information, please click on any of the relevant links. For email inquiries, please contact us at events@familyactionpac.org. A formal invitation can be downloaded here.

Press Release: 2014 Primary Election Endorsements

April 14, 2014
CONTACT: Jennifer Fitzgerald 714-402-3106

ORANGE COUNTY, CA – Family Action PAC Chairman Larry Smith, today announced that the PAC Board made its first round of endorsements for the 2014 election. “We are encouraged by the many conservatives running to represent the people of California at various levels of government. As the Family Action PAC, we advance a culture in which human life and family are valued, personal responsibility is encouraged and liberty thrives. We believe these candidates embody our mission and we look forward to discussing other races in the near future.”

California Constitutional Offices
Senator Ted Gaines, candidate for CA State Insurance Commissioner

U.S. Congress
Carlos Vazquez, 46th Congressional District
Igor Birman, 7th Congressional District
Kirk Jorgensen, 52nd Congressional District

CA State Senate
Janet Nguyen, 34th State Senate District

CA State Assembly
Rob McCoy, 44th Assembly District
Young Kim, 65th Assembly District

County of Orange
Hon. Allan Mansoor, Orange County Supervisor 2nd District
Robert Ming, Orange County Supervisor, 5th District
Kevin Haskins, Orange County Superior Court Judge
Jeff Ferguson, Orange County Superior Court Judge

Orange County Board of Education
Linda Lindholm, Trustee Area 5
Tom Pollitt, Trustee Area 2

City Council
Scott Peotter, Newport Beach District 6 Candidate

To print a media version of this press release, please click here.

April 17th Event: Luncheon With Congressman Dr. Paul Broun (GA-10)

You are cordially invited to attend a luncheon on Thursday, April 17th, beginning at 12:00pm at The Pacific Club in Newport Beach to hear remarks from Congressman Dr. Paul Broun, who represents Georgia’s 10th district and is running for United States Senate in that state.

To register or to find out more information, please click on any of the relevant links. For email inquiries, please contact us at events@familyactionpac.org.

More on Congressman Dr. Paul Broun:

Dr. Paul Broun is a conservative Republican Congressman, representing Georgia’s 10th District, and is now a leading Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.

Paul Broun knows how to win hard-fought elections.

• Dr. Broun won a stunning upset victory for the U.S. House in a 2007 special election. In the first round of voting, Dr. Broun finished second in a field of ten candidates, and trailed the heavily-favored establishment candidate by more than 20% points. Just three weeks later, Dr. Broun’s campaign had closed that enormous gap and, he won the election by 394 votes. This in spite of being outspent by over 3:1.

• Dr. Broun had hardly been sworn into office, when another favorite of the Georgia Republican establishment announced as a challenger for the 2008 election. Congressman Broun won that race by a shocking margin of 71% to 29%. He was re-elected by overwhelming margins in 2010 and 2012.

Paul Broun wins because his message resonates with people of Georgia and because his record is consistent with his message!

• Congressman’s Broun is dedicated to stopping what he calls “the outrageous spending in Washington.” He is author of the strongest Balanced Budget Amendment now pending in Congress. A constitutionalist in word and deed, he is committed to limiting the size and scope of the federal government.

• Paul Broun earned his degree in chemistry from the University of Georgia, located in his hometown of Athens. He is a graduate of the Medical College of Georgia, and has served as a physician for four decades. Congressman Broun is author of the Patient Option Act to fully repeal ObamaCare and replace it with common sense, free-market, patient-centered healthcare. It will preserve medical privacy and keep the IRS out of the most private area of your life!

Congressman Broun is a Marine and Navy Medical Officer.

He volunteered to serve in the U.S. Marines at the age of eighteen. After receiving his M.D., he was commissioned as a medical officer in the U.S. Navy Reserves. He was recently promoted to the rank of Commander. In 2012, he served a deployment in Afghanistan and received:

• Two Letters of Commendation

• The NATO Medal

• The Afghanistan Campaign Medal

Congressman Broun is a member of the VFW, the American Legion, Military Order of World Wars, the Marine Corps League, the Navy League, and the Reserve Officers Association.

In his race for the Senate, Paul Broun is endorsed by:

• Combat Veterans of America

• Citizens United

• The National Defense PAC

• Former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul

• National Association for Gun Rights

• Gun Owners of America

• The Tea Party Patriots

• TeaParty.net

• Freedom’s Defense Fund

• Eagle Forum

• Madison Project

In Congress, Paul Broun is a leading advocate of the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

An avid outdoorsman, Dr. Broun is:

• A member and former Vice President of Safari Club International

• Life Member of the NRA and Gun Owners of America

• Former president of the Georgia Sport Shooting Association (the NRA state affiliate) and,

• Member of the Athens Rifle Club.

Dr. Broun and his wife, Niki, have been married since 1985 and reside in Athens, Georgia. He is the father of three adult children and has two grandchildren. The Brouns are members of the Prince Avenue Baptist Church.



March 20th Event: Luncheon With Brad Dacus, President of Pacific Justice Institute

You are cordially invited to attend a luncheon on Thursday, March 20th, beginning at 12:00pm at The Pacific Club in Newport Beach to hear remarks from Brad Dacus, President of Pacific Justice Institute. The Pacific Justice Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting religious freedom, parental rights and other civil liberties.  Brad will discuss what pastors can and can’t say from the pulpit. He’ll also provide an update on the “Co-Ed Bathroom Bill” initiative. Be prepared this Election Year!

You may print a formal invite here.

To register or to find out more information, please click on any of the relevant links. For email inquiries, please contact us at events@familyactionpac.org.

Brad Dacus, President of